Editoriali October 27, 2015 [ITA] [“Per Primo”] Tre consigli per mettere in pratica l’innovazione IT in azienda
Cloud October 26, 2015 [FirstPost] IDC: Workspace-as-a-Service, the emerging market is expected to be worth $1.7 billion in 2018
Cybersecurity October 23, 2015 [ITA] [PBS, Aditinet e VMware] Software-Defined IT in azione! – Roma, 17 Novembre, Eataly (Ostiense) – Milano, 19 Novembre, Cosmo Hotel (Cinisello)
Vendors October 21, 2015 [ITA] [Digital Data Communications] Tre brand per una soluzione IT completa!
Cloud October 20, 2015 [ITA] [Festival ICT] BCLOUD e Cloudian sono Gold sponsor al festival ICT 2015!
Management October 19, 2015 [Owang] INFOGRAPHIC: The Real Mythical Creatures of the Collaborative Economy: Centaurs, Unicorns, and Pegasus
Channels October 19, 2015 [Channelnomics] Context: Germany sees sharpest drop as European PC channel declines in Q3. Italy down 11.9%