Vendors May 27, 2015 [StorageNewsletter] Gartner Magic Quadrant for General-Purpose Disk Arrays (November 2014)
Management May 26, 2015 [McKinsey] Big companies are finding growth in new markets by harnessing an underused asset—their brands
Cloud May 24, 2015 [insideBIGDATA] Infographic for Data Scientists: R vs. Python programming languages
Cloud May 22, 2015 [BCLOUD and Juku] Webinar – June 19th, 2015, 11 CET: Software-Defined Infrastructure. A new approach to enterprise IT
Cloud May 22, 2015 [] An interview about Cloudian and Hadoop, with Amir Chaudry (head of system engineering at Cloudian)
Vendors May 20, 2015 [InformationWeek] Gartner BI Magic Quadrant (February 2015) Spots Market Turmoil