Cloud November 23, 2014 [From Technology in Business] 5 main benefits that cloud data storage can offer your business
Cloud November 20, 2014 [Cloudian] Next-Generation Storage and Data Protection – An Interview with Norihiro Saito from CommVault Cloud Solutions Group
Recruiting November 20, 2014 [Mashable] 55% of recruiters reconsider job candidates after seeing their social profiles
Market data November 20, 2014 [ITCandor] Strong x86 and Virtualisation push Server market up 0.8% in Q2 2014
Cloud November 19, 2014 [ITA] [Digital4Cloud] Gartner: i 10 errori più comuni sul Cloud e come evitarli
Cloud November 18, 2014 Listen to our recorded webinar: Cloudian, BCLOUD, PBS and Juku on next generation object storage technologies!