Events March 26, 2015 [ITA] [Aditinet e SimpliVity] SOIEL DATACENTER EXPERIENCE – Roma, 9 Giugno 2015, Ergife Palace Hotel – Via Aurelia, 619
Vendors March 8, 2015 [ITA] [PBS per NETIQ] Scegli la giusta strategia di Enterprise Governance per le Identità e gli Accessi! [White paper gratuito]
Cloud February 27, 2015 [Cloudian] Casale of Switzerland Adopts Cloudian for Secure Data Storage and Real-Time Collaboration
Cloud February 20, 2015 [Elastica] White Paper: Top 7 ways to protect your data in the New World of Shadow IT and Shadow Data
Cloud February 20, 2015 [Virtual Strategy Magazine] Elastica Honored as a 2015 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendor by CRN