Vendor claims IoT needs a new style of security Trees in fog

In a blog post Wednesday, he argued that fog computing is the industry’s best bet for the technology.

Zhang said the incident response approach will not be sufficient, pointing out it was originally made for enterprise networks, datacentres and consumer products, and focuses on protecting the perimeter. Meanwhile, forensic analysis is too dependent on “intensive” human involvement, he added.

Zhang claimed these measures will not be enough when IoT takes off.

“However, as we move into the next phase of the internet – IoT – this security paradigm won’t be adequate because of changing form factors and use cases,” he wrote.

Zhang continued by pointing to the ‘things’ of IoT, saying a large number of them will feature long life spans with “highly constrained” and difficult-to-upgrade computing and memory resources. He added that things like bikes, drones, sensors, wearables, smart appliances and communication devices used for transportation in smart cities cannot be fully protected by firewalls.

According to Zhang, the answer in order “to succeed” lies in fog computing.

“This will extend cloud computing (including security) to the edge of an enterprise’s or consumer’s network. Much in the way cloud technology enabled the internet, fog will enable an array of secure IoT possibilities,” he wrote.

“Fog will provide innovative ways to reduce the security complexity and costs on individual devices and compensate the devices’ constrained security capabilities with off-board security services. As a result…security upgrades will be possible and effective, and, via fog, concerns about scalability and trustworthiness will be addressed.”

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