All-flash array firm bought for $870mfish-taking-bait-web

NetApp has acquired all-flash firm SolidFire in a move it claims will boost its flash offering. NetApp is set to cough up $870m (€795.72m) for the firm in a deal which is expected to close in its Q4 next year.

SolidFire is a US firm which was founded in 2010 and specialises in all-flash storage systems.

The fledgling firm’s flash kit will be incorporated into NetApp’s data fabric products “over time”, NetApp said. SolidFire’s CEO Dave Wright will be in charge of his company’s product line within NetApp’s product operations.

The popularity of flash storage has rocketed in recent years. Last week IDC claimed that IT buyers are snubbing traditional storage in favour of the new tech, which now accounts for more than half of IT storage value.

NetApp has talked up its flash offering for a while, but its CEO George Kurian claims that the SolidFire deal will accelerate this even further.

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