Symantec report also reveals phishing rates are down, but malware and ransomware risespam-spam-spam

According to the June edition of the Symantec Intelligence report, which draws on data from the vendor’s Global Intelligence Network, the overall spam rate fell to 49.7 per cent, the first time the rate has fallen below 50 per cent for over a decade.

Phishing rates also fell, with one in every 2,448 emails in June being a phishing attempt, compared with one in 1,865 in May and one in 647 in November, Symantec said. Email-based malware also declined last month.

However, Symantec said the drop in email-based malicious activity could just demonstrate that attackers are moving to other areas of the threat landscape. New malware variants created in June stood at 57.6 million, up from 44.5 million in May and 29.2 million in April, it pointed out.

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