We have great expertise in supporting companies in their recruiting of talents via social networks. Our capabilities are proven by the appreciation of our customers. Let’s have a talk about it!

As further briefing to you, here is an article about social recruiting: Is your company using social media to its full potential when it comes to finding new employees? Your competition probably is.Recruiting Through Social Media

A whopping 93 percent of the 1,855 recruiting pros surveyed in Jobvite’s 2014 Social Recruiting Survey use or plan to use social media in their recruiting efforts. The reason why is simple and powerful. According to respondents, leveraging social media improves candidate quality by 44 percent over those using only “traditional” recruiting techniques like phone screenings and filtering resumes based solely on skills and experience.

Social media allows not only information about a candidate’s experience and skills, but a better glimpse into their lifestyle, values and their cultural fit, which is crucial for companies looking not just to recruit and hire, but also to engage employees and improve retention rates.

The Jobvite survey reveals that 80 percent of recruiters are using social media to evaluate a candidate’s potential culture match. The emphasis on cultural fit is a major reason recruiters are doubling down on social media as a tool.

Use Social Media to Evaluate Cultural Fit

Social media’s often used to highlight “what not to do” from a candidate’s perspective (take down those photos of your bachelor weekend in Vegas, please), but what’s often overlooked is its usefulness to recruiters and hiring managers as both a sourcing and a screening tool for new talent especially when it comes to finding talent with that perfect cultural fit, says Yarden Tadmor, CEO and founder of anonymous job search and recruiting app Switch.

“Traditionally, social media’s importance to recruiting has been limited to the way it is used to weed out candidates who might be a bad fit — in other words, those unprotected tweets can do serious damage when recruiters are evaluating potential employees. But social media, whether staple networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter or burgeoning apps like our Switch … has become a convenient and comprehensive way for recruiters to find, ‘like’ and connect with candidates,” says Tadmor.

“The impact social media has had on our recruiting is immeasurable. When we’re on the fence about a candidate’s resume, we use LinkedIn to find out how involved they are in the LinkedIn community and throughout the industry. This gives valuable insight that was previously unattainable, and are key ingredients of our prime candidates,” says Cristin Sturchio, global head of Talent at Cognolink. Sturchio adds that when using LinkedIn as a screening tool, she and her team look for candidates who’ve gained endorsements, who belong to professional groups and follow relevant companies and people.

“This tells us that they are engaged and active in their profession, and are likely to be engaged and active as one of our employees. You can’t find that kind of information on a resume, and if you can, it often gets lost in more pressing details,” says Sturchio.

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