Thanks to Mr Edward Snowden, public awareness about the extent to which our governments spy on everything we do, everything we say, and everywhere we visit online has grown considerably, leading to a surge of interest in ways to stay private on the internet (not just from the government, but also from the commercial companies’ never ending need to find out everything they can about everyone so that they can deliver ever more targeted advertising, and which arguably presents an even greater threat to our privacy than even the likes of the NSA.)
Few tools are as effective at combating such threats to our privacy as VPN, but this Swiss-penknife of online security is also useful for much more, including defeating WiFi hotspot hackers, watching geo-restricted streaming services from overseas, and evading censorship (whether by a college or a government). It’s our mission to help you find the best VPN possible and after reading this guide, you’ll exactly what are the most important factors to consider.