Late last year when Ericsson purchased a majority stake in hot up-and-coming cloud vendor Apcera, it got people talking. In part because Apcera was widely heralded as a company to watch and partly because despite this interest, little was known about what Apcera was actually doing. Given the probable size of the investment, either Apcera CEO Derek Collison had done a great job of talking up smoke and mirrors, or else there was actually something impressive there worth looking into.

The first product to come out of Apcera post investment was a partnership with telco vendor Tropo – the two companies partnered to deliver a telco-specific communications platform. The fact that the first product was telco-centric is hardly surprising – Ericsson Ericsson is, after all, best known as a vendor selling big ticket telco tools – the company needed to get something out the door for its existing customers.

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