The headlong movement into digital business means that just about every business endeavor has a technology component, a situation in which every budget is an IT budget.

By the same token, personal technology in the workplace is everywhere. The use of shadow IT services at a business unit level has greatly increased, and digital duties are expanding in almost every job. All of this has led Gartner to conclude that “every employee is a digital employee.” As Matt Cain, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner, discussed in his session at the Gartner Digital Workplace Summit, there are two major factors driving this conclusion – growing employee digital dexterity and accelerating digital job requirements.

Digital Dexterity

Many employees own and operate a high-speed wireless network at home, and self-support an ever-expanding array of devices and operating systems. Apps and Web services are ingrained in almost every aspect of our lives, including banking, investing, media viewing, socializing, communicating, scheduling, media creation, research, health management and hobbies.

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