The failure rate of IT projects remains appalling. How can you ensure that your organization delivers successful applications?
Despite more than 50 years of history and countless methodologies, advice and books, IT projects keep failing. The most common response to a history of failed projects is to increase project oversight, with a particular emphasis on reporting. However, more is often mistaken for better when it comes to governance. The key to changing project outcomes is to focus on effective governance, not increased reporting. Speaking ahead of the upcoming
Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit in Sydney,
Darryl Carlton, research director at Gartner, explained that despite the best advice available, information systems are not being built with the same degree of reliability, integrity and predictability as other engineering disciplines.
“When a project fails, the usual suspects are trotted out and paraded as the solution to this latest disaster – more governance, improved stakeholder engagement and better and more frequent reporting,” Mr. Carlton said. “If only we do more of [pick whichever silver bullet you want], then the next project will be a success.”