Virtualization was dominated by on-premises enterprise virtualization, and on-premises private clouds were the primary sourcing model for VMs offered as a service – for a few years. Certainly not true today.Priv Vendors 2011 2014

In 2011, roughly 3 percent of all virtual machines (VMs) were sourced in public cloud IaaS providers (mainly Amazon). That was also roughly equal to the number of VMs being delivered in true on-premises private clouds (standard offerings through self-service with automated delivery – NOT custom-provisioned, NOT manually delivered).

A lot’s changed in three years. The overall number of active VMs has tripled. The number of VMs in true on-premises private clouds has also tripled. But the number of active VMs in the public cloud has increased by a factor of twenty. Public cloud IaaS now accounts for about 20 percent of all VMs – and there are now roughly six times more active VMs in the public cloud than in on-premises private clouds.

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