2016 will be difficult for IT supply in Europe, not because of business confidence, for once, but because the customers are involved in a whole new business model with an overlay of security issues and a drive to data analytics. This is among the conclusions of the 2016 IT Europa Predictions White paper, available as a free download here http://www.iteuropa.com/?q=whitepaperssupplements

  • As economies recover, IT spending will rise, but this may get diverted into aspects regarded as essential such as security.

  • Security issues will make headline news, so expect customers concerns to continue.

  • EU legislation is moving at a snail’s pace; we don’t hold out much hope for change

  • Channels will consolidate – driven by the need to raise capital to invest, lack of available skills, plus the wall of new money looking for a home through IPOs etc. But M&A activity may be quieter than for a while.

  • Expect distribution to continue to expand its portfolios, especially in security, while fulfilling its role of recruitment and providing cloud management and contracts.

  • Big Data will start to affect everyone, not just the obvious big data users and vendors; there is a real shortage of expertise here, however

  • Watch for smaller IoT projects: While large transformative Internet of Things (IoT) projects grab headlines, an increasing number of IoT projects are smaller in scale, less expensive and less risky, says TBR. Wearables might finally come through as part of IoT.

  • Analytics and big data will drive the market: for IDC, big data is only getting started. Today, only 1% of all apps use cognitive services; by 2018, half will. Essentially, analytics will be embedded in every application, used to facilitate functionality or convenience.

  • Predictive Analytics will be big, but means high demand for IT-based business specialists able to define the rules which can encode the models

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