Kentico Software, the Web Content and Customer Experience Management provider, announced today it was named one of three “Hot Vendors in Web Content Management” for 2015 by tech research and advisory firm Aragon Research.

“Kentico is helping to lead the charge toward a focus on Digital Experience and it combines traditional Web Content Management (WCM) capabilities with e-commerce and community features,” writes Aragon Research Lead Analyst Jim Lundy. “Its growing global footprint and ability to run on different Clouds also makes it a provider to watch, since global presence is one of the evaluation criteria for larger enterprises.”

Kentico allows companies to deliver the right marketing message at the right time on any digital channel—and ease of use has always been one of its hallmarks. With sophisticated personalization, segmentation and other capabilities, Kentico allows users to manage all their digital marketing efforts and can integrate with real-time CRM and ERP data for the highest level of personalization. Kentico includes all the components for integrated marketing efforts online and supports the latest Microsoft technologies, including Visual Studio 2013, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Server 2012, Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Windows 8.1 and Azure SDK 2.5.

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