When CIOs play an active role in business strategy, IT performance on a wide range of functional and business tasks improves.
But in McKinsey’s latest survey on business technology,1 1.The online survey was in the field from October 7 to October 17, 2014, and garnered responses from 713 executives. Of these respondents, 363 have a technology focus, and the remaining 350 are C-level executives representing other functional specialties. The respondents represent the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, and tenures. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP. few executives say their IT leaders are closely involved in helping shape the strategic agenda, and confidence in IT’s ability to support growth and other business goals is waning. Moreover, IT and business executives disagree strongly on the function’s overall priorities—though both sides agree on the need for better data and analytics talent, a challenge that has grown in importance since the previous survey. The results suggest that closing the gap to engage more CIOs in strategy discussions could deliver business benefits and address widespread concerns over IT effectiveness.
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