- OPPORTUNITÀ TOP! CAST GROUP (macchine movimento terra) ASSUME: B2B Export Sales Area Managers con Tedesco/Inglese fluenti e disponibilità trasferte (Triveneto)
- OPPORTUNITA’! OFFICINE MARAN ASSUME: Installatori/Manutentori Termoidraulici, Impianti civili/industriali (Veneto) – €40k
- OPPORTUNITA’! SOLARSÌ (Impianti Fotovoltaici, Efficientamento Energetico) ASSUME: B2C Sales Accounts (Funzionari Commerciali o Agenti o Consulenti Commerciali) – Nord Sardegna
- OPPORTUNITA! VIBE ASSUME: Elettricisti Junior e Senior, Impianti Elettrici Industriali/Civili e di efficientamento energetico in Media e Bassa Tensione (Veneto) – RAL €32mila + smartphone + welfare + veicolo uso lavoro
- OPPORTUNITA’! DALCNET (gruppo DIGIMAX) ASSUME: Progettista Elettronico Hardware, Dispositivi per Illuminazione (Vicenza)
- OPPORTUNITA’! ENERGY SOLUTION FOR YOU ASSUME: Elettricisti Junior e Senior, Impianti Elettrici Civili/Industriali (Lombardia) – RAL €35mila
- OPPORTUNITA’ TOP! VIBE ASSUME: Responsabile Commesse Impianti Elettrici Industriali/Energie Rinnovabili/Efficientamento Energetico (Padova/Vicenza) – RAL €55mila
- OPPORTUNITA’! PULSAR (gruppo RIVA IMPIANTI) ASSUME: Tecnici assistenza elettronica CNC/PLC (Alto Vicentino)
- OPPORTUNITA’! RIVA IMPIANTI ASSUME: Installatori Idraulici Esperti (Vicenza e province limitrofe)
- OPPORTUNITA’! RIVA IMPIANTI ASSUME: Capi Cantiere elettrico (Vicenza e province limitrofe)
[ITCandor] 2015 is the year of the Revenue Cloud – Cloud service grows 14.8%
2015 will be the year in which Cloud Computing comes of age as an accepted resource for big business customers …
January 25, 2015/
[TechRepublic] Shadow IT: The five biggest mistakes CIOs make
KeyedIn’s Karen Adame discusses CIOs’ mistakes regarding shadow IT, which are even worse when firms do not coordinate their analysis …
January 23, 2015/
[ISVEuropa] 2015 Cloud predictions roundup
The notable feature of last year was the divergence between public cloud for the mass markets – AWS, Google, Microsoft …
January 23, 2015/
[GlobalScape] 4 ways to make the most of Cybersecurity budgets
Cybersecurity budgets have increased for 2015, but are you ready to make the right decisions when it comes to investing …
January 21, 2015/
[McKinsey] Transforming the business through social tools
The effect of social technologies in customer-facing processes is already significant. Survey finds that while overall adoption of these tools …
January 21, 2015/
[Channelnomics and Cisco] ‘Careless’ attitude of users helping cybercriminals
Careless end-user behaviour is putting businesses at higher risk of malware exposure, according to the latest report from Cisco. Cisco’s …
January 21, 2015/
[LinkedIn] How to Brand Yourself Without Sounding Like Everyone Else!
If you’re motivated about your career, passionate about doing your best work, and are highly creative, then I’ve got news …
January 21, 2015/
[Cloudian] Cloudian HyperStore Rings in Era of Smart Data
Earlier this week Cloudian announced a new version of Cloudian HyperStore software. Building on its already strong hybrid cloud foundation, …
January 18, 2015/
With Hadoop and Hortonworks Data Platform Qualified on HyperStore Software and Appliances, Customers Can Perform In-Place Data Analysis at Petabyte-Scale. Join …
January 18, 2015/
[TechRepublic] CEOs: Make developing customer relationships your top priority in 2015
This year, CEOs are focusing on developing personalized relationships with their customers on an individual level. They also want to …
January 12, 2015/
[IBM] What is a data scientist?
Rising alongside the relatively new technology of big data is the new job title data scientist. While not tied exclusively …
January 12, 2015/