We have significant expertise in SEO optimization and web design. Our capabilities are proven by the appreciation of our many customers. Let’s have a talk!

On this matter, here is a sponsored article about WordPress designs: It was expensive and distressing to build a professional business website several years ago but now it has become a piece of cake. Here, we will be discussing WordPress themes that work best for startups, as well as for small and medium-sized businesses.

WordPress Business Themes

For creating a noticeable and appealing website, Template Monster Word press provides custom-built business themes that facilitate in running and promoting online businesses. There are amazing features that are included in functional designs that help in creating an outstanding website.

Following are some of the most recommended business themes that Word press offers:

Finally, for various spheres and purposes, we agreed on creating a new collection based best templates.

Below is the list of 5 business templates for different tastes if you still haven’t figured out a classy template for your business website.

For creating a modish website, hurry up and buy a responsive word press theme from TemplateMonster.

  1. SEOMarket – SEO Website WordPress Theme

For an SEO company website, the perfect solution is SEO market.

There is a pretty generous giveaway from Zemez that includes an Elememtor Page Builder for customizing and fast editing. All images from the demo are free. JetElements and JetMenu are covered in the price that allow layouts for the content to be organized attractively as well as adding additional elements like banners, pricing tables, animated boxes, texts etc.

A great add-on is also included in the template for your future marketing called WordPress Popup Manager. It helps in placing and adding an unlimited number of windows to any page.

  1. Advezone – Financial Advisor WordPress Theme

For creating financial advising company website, Advezone was made. It contains free images that can be downloaded with the template for Home, Mainteinance, Services, Project and Blog Pages, and it is completely responsive.

A testimonial page is included that will be used for encouraging others to ask for advice from experts of your company and contains clients’ reviews. Well-organized pages can be created quickly by using Elementor Page Builder.

  1. Grandviz – Financial Company Premiuim WordPress Theme

Another stylish solution for a business website is Grandviz. The attention of the most sophisticated businessmen can be drawn by this template.

This template has Parallax Effect along with the set of standard features like JetMenu, Elementor Page Builder and Cherry plugins. Parallax effect, depending on the observer, alters object’s position relative to distant background. Premium icons, that are included in price, can be added for more beautiful design.

  1. SteamUp – Digital Agency WordPress Theme

For the digital agency website, a template that is perfect for business thematic is constructed in neutral unobstrusive color scheme. SteamUp, for all needed occasions, is fitted with pages.

Personal blog feature helps in creating a blog if you want to place useful information. You can leave contact details for your customers with the help of contact page. For attracting more clients, promotions can be created by using Cherry Popups.

  1. Riseon – Multipurpose Word Press Theme

This is the first WordPress business theme which contains more than 10 skins for different business directions and serves multiple purposes. The following websites can be created after buying Riseon; outsourcing, office, business services, consulting, marketing or advertising agencies, construction, car-repair agencies and architecture.

Trustworthy image of company is created with this template. Useful information can be shared by using Personal Blog Feature. Commenting systems allows clients to leave comments and testimonials. Visitors can be asked to subscribe the newsletter by Newsletter Subscription web form.

Inspire trust in clients by stuffing your website with useful material.


It is very easy to make a website with a template as it has been described in our various other posts. The templates are with life-long support that’s why Template Monster makes it much easier to make a website. As we offer hundreds of templates, so the most difficult job is to choose a single one. When you are done with choosing the most suitable theme for your website only you have to relax and enjoy amazing specifications of these Word Press themes. Make sure you have selected the right theme that best fits your online business store. And then… wonders will happen.